Where the Litani river flows 2020
Etude géoarchéologique, Prospection géoarchéologique
Prospection géoarchéologique / Opération – Étude
Littoral entre le Nahr el-Litani et Adloun (Liban)
Honor Frost Foundation
Nicolas Carayon / Ipso Facto
Partenaires : Dr. Wissam Khalil (Université libanaise) et Dr. Ida Oggiano (CNR italien), la Direction Générale des Antiquités du Liban et la municipalité de Kharayeb (Sud Liban)
Kharayeb and Adloun archaeological project: The work done in 2020 consisted mostly in sieving 90 samples for granulometric analyses and fauna determination and measuring the chemical composition of 240 rough samples. The results are so relevant and abled us to show important morphological changes, especially the presence of a wide freshwater basin linked to both the river and the sea as far as 600 m inland from the actual mouth of the river now totally cover by banana field dated from ca. 6000 BP to ca. 4000 BP. The stratigraphic sequence illustrated as well several hights energy event as marine storm, floods and a potential big fire event.
Batroun geomorphological project: In 2020, we obtained few more dates about the core CAR01 extracted from the Nahr-el Jawz coastal plain in 2018. The results are quite similar to the Kharayeb core KH-19-05 with a long Neolithic sequence 19 m thick. Only 23 samples have been sieved for granulometric analyses and macrofaune determination.